Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lab 3 - Neogeography

View Lab 3: Coast trip in a larger map

Neogeography opens up geography to far more people. It is user-friendly and easy to create and view maps. People can take virtual trips by using software like Google Maps, allowing access to more places. Neogeography makes it easier and more fun to research things like hotels, restaurants, historic locations, and natural wonders of the world. People can express themselves through location of their trips, their home, their photos, their favorite restaurants, and anything else they wish. It opens up the world to anyone who wants to look.

There are some disadvantages, however. There is the issue of safety: having access to someone's personal location information could be dangerous. There can also be an information overload. For example, if you are looking at a certain landmark in Google Earth, like the Eiffel Tower, hundreds of little place markers will pop up. Some of them offer interesting information about the Eiffel Tower, but many are just people writing comments or posting just to get their name out there. It isn't always a good thing to allow access to world maps to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job. Not sure why most of your images didn't fit into the pop-up window and that makes them really hard to see. Remember to proof your posts and try to make it as user-friendly as possible.

